Ultimate Money Mindset Package Now Open

Revolutionize your money mindset and release the fears holding you back

Combine practical money mindset strategies, personalized business training and live coaching to fast track your growth in 2023.

IF YOU have a dream to grow your business, help more people and make more money.

WE have the support, tools and community to make it happen for you a lot quicker and easier than you could ever imagine.

Join our community of over 8,500 entrepreneurs today - it’s your time and you’re ready for the next step.

Get the Ultimate Package of year-round support with everything you need to up-level your business and income this year. Here's what's included:

Money Bootcamp is my flagship money mindset training program where I’ll show you proven strategies to release money blocks, get daily support to keep your confidence high and monthly coaching with me to keep you on track.

Business is lonely, and it’s easy to get discouraged without support, so our community and mentors will be your go-to place for encouragement and inspiration.

In my Money Archetypes course you’ll learm to design and grow your business based on your unique money strengths. I’ll teach you how to leverage your marketing, team and create passive income so you can earn more money with less work.

If you love personality tests you’ll be obsessed with this program, just like I am.  SMA has really been a game-changer for thousands of our members and it will transform your business.

With the Practical Manifesting Course you’ll get the advanced formula, cheat sheets and checklists to take your money manifesting to new heights.

This is especially important if you feel like your mindset practices have slipped recently and you’ve got big goals for the year ahead.

We’ll focus on the practical steps you can take to attract new customers and more profit with ease

With access to THREE of my transformational courses, you’ll get the most  comprehensive mindset, money and business training available.

Plus lifetime access to our incredible community, and don’t forget live group coaching calls with me EVERY month in two different timezones.

There’s no feeling lost, overwhelmed or behind as we work together on the confidence and clarity you need to make more money.

Whatever your big goal and whatever your version of a First Class life looks like… it all starts with taking inspired action and getting support from a mentor you believe in

As seen in:

So what’s next and why now?

If you’ve been waiting to join just click the button and complete your registration.

All of my prices are increasing this year, so by grabbing the Ultimate package now, you’ll save over $1,500.

That’s massive value, and it’s lifetime access, so there’s no renewal next year or ongoing fees. Plus if you need it, choose the extended payment option and spread the cost over the year.

And if you’re in the UK, Europe or Australia, I’m waiving fees and taking away the hassle of exchange rates by offering the opportunity to pay in your own currency.

I want to make this an easy




for you so you can experience the transformation that so many of our members rave about.

You want more?

There’s a vault of priceless bonuses with extra training on pricing, clearing debt, mindset upgrades and marketing.

Including a behind-the-scenes bonus of how I used the Money Archetypes to create a million-dollar launch in my business.

This is an incredibly valuable and awesome opportunity to get the support, mentoring and inspiration to make a real step-up with your business.

Don’t spend another year frustrated and burned out at your current income level.

The Ultimate Money Mindset Packages closes in…


You’ve been working really hard to grow your business and make money this past year.

You may be stuck in a rut, worrying that your income has plateaued and not sure what to do next.

You might be like so many others that tell me they’re feeling disheartened about not being able to break through to the next income level without working every waking moment possible on their business.

You know that you’re destined for more.

You’ve seen others earning more money and having a bigger impact and I know you’ve got a big dream in your heart.

Wherever you're at right now, no matter how deep your fear, or how painful your frustration, know that this is not an insurmountable problem.

Over the last ten years, I’ve heard thousands of money stories and helped thousands of people like you create a life of more freedom and abundance.

No matter what’s happening in the world, there’s always more money.

But I know it’s easy to forget that when you’re hearing doom and gloom, you’re feeling scared about money, and your confidence has taken a hit.

That’s when you might be falling into bad habits like;
  • Undercharging
  • Overdelivering
  • Bad boundaries with clients
  • Feeling scared about promoting yourself
  • Or keeping your dreams small out of fear

I’ve been there myself.

And here’s what I want you to know...

You already have everything you need to be successful and make money in your business, but money mindset is an ongoing game.

It’s not a one-and-done thing.

I’m a multi-millionaire and I have to work on my money mindset everyday.

Otherwise the fear gets too much and you forget your true power – that really can create the life and business you want. 

So I’m here to help…

I’m Denise Duffield-Thomas,


For over a decade, my courses and community have helped people like you reprogram their money mindset, revolutionize their businesses, and breakthrough income plateaus.

You might have heard about one of my books or Money Bootcamp from a friend and thought, “hey is that something I need?”

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs you know have been through my programs and without tooting my own horn too much…

So many have said that it’s been the best investment they’ve ever made in their business.

With the Ultimate Money Mindset Package, I’ll support you all year with everything you need to up-level your business and income this year, just like thousands of our members.

“Changing my mindset with Money Bootcamp increased my income”

“When I started my business, I had the same design skills I have now, but I wasn’t making much money. The only thing different now is how I think.”

Karla Pamanes, Brand Designer, US


“Bootcamp turned my side hustle into my full time job “

“Within six months of joining the program, I doubled my salary for three or four months straight.”

Naketa Ikihele, International Leadership Coach & Facilitator, New Zealand

“Money Bootcamp helped me overcome burnout and start fresh “

“Bootcamp has given me a solid foundation to build my business. I work two hours a day now because of my baby and my income is still growing.”

Rosa Camero, Business & Marketing Coach, Copenhagen

If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’ve spent a lot of money on personal development.

I’ve joined programs for tens of thousands of dollars that haven’t been worth it and you might be nervous about investing in yourself at the moment.

But imagine where you could be in 12 months with the right support,  inspiration and practical tools to deal with those not-so-confident moments we all have in business.

You know what I mean.

When your friends and family don’t understand your business dreams.

When clients complain about your prices.

Or when you’re feeling scared about money, and you don’t know what to do to make your dreams happen.

This package of Bootcamp, SMA and my Manifesting Course will give you the tools and community to feel more confident, earn more and grow your business – once you’re in, I know you’ll never look back.

The solution is not to try to do more…

By working on your money mindset, I can help you make more money in your business easily and joyfully!

Wouldn’t it be nice if making money in your business was easy?

For example, you create a product or service, someone pays you for it, and you both go away happy! YAY.

But that's not what happens, is it?

In between having an idea and getting money in your bank account is a roller coaster of emotions, fear, anxiety, and a whole lot of second-guessing yourself.

Welcome to the world of entrepreneurship!

It's so fun, and it's such an incredible opportunity for personal growth.

But it’s also scary.

And the fear can be paralyzing.

I want to share with you a secret…. I’ve made over $20 million dollars in my online business over the last decade, and I still get scared and second-guess my decisions.

Every successful person I know does too.

So if you're scared right now, if you're second-guessing yourself, you're not alone. You're normal.

But the fear at the start of your business is very different.

It's the fear of the unknown.

You're stepping into a creative dream with no guarantees of success at all.

It's scary, confusing, and lonely too.

But as you progress in your journey and gain more experience, get some clients, make some money, it gets easier.

Until you hit a new income plateau or a new block.

Then it feels like you’re starting all over again.

It’s frustrating.

How is your money mindset holding
you back from a life of abundance?

You chronically undercharge and over-deliver – or worse, you agree to work for free and then feel all kinds of resentful about it.

Your bank balance doesn’t even begin to reflect the massive amount of work you are putting into your business.

You’re living in a permanent cycle of “feast or famine” and never feeling like you have enough.

You’re doing well enough financially, but you can’t see how you could possibly increase your income without working much harder

You often procrastinate taking care of income-producing activities in your business (like sending invoices or sending out email offers to your list).

You feel stuck at your current income. Your business has stalled or you’ve hit a plateau you want to break through.

You feel massive resistance (maybe even abject terror!) around having money conversations with potential clients.

You feel guilty whenever you spend money on yourself and even find it difficult to justify investing in your business

These blocks are common at ALL stages of business and affect entrepreneurs like you in every niche and every country across the world.

But it is possible to transform your relationship with money by working with a mentor to change your habits and beliefs about money.

Here are some of the most money common blocks

Do any of these ring a bell? 

  • “I’m just not meant to be rich.” (Sometimes this shows up as, “My family wasn’t rich, so I can’t be either.”)

  • “I have to work hard to make money.” (OMG, this is my biggest recurring one!) 

  • “I just want to help people. I don’t care about the money.”

  • “My partner/parents/friends will freak out if I earn more than them.”

  •  “I can’t earn more than X, I can’t charge more than Y in my industry”

You probably learned your money blocks growing up – past memories or negative experiences – stories you now tell yourself about what you deserve.

For every limiting belief, there’s an origin story to unpack and a pattern to break so you can feel more empowered and in control with money.

Money blocks are an inevitable part of being in business.

Not even millionaires are immune to the occasional freak out about money, and if you’re growing rapidly, you’ll hit your own self-imposed limits regularly.

The good news is that you can have money blocks without letting them derail you

You just need more support in upgrading your

money mindset.

The Ultimate Money Mindset Package closes in…


The Ultimate Money Mindset

The Ultimate Money Mindset Package is a once-a-year comprehensive system of online training courses that teaches practical money mindset and business strategies to entrepreneurs who want to up-level their income and life. 

Whether you’re just starting out or you have an

established 6 or 7 figure business,

By working with me, you’ll feel more empowered, in-control and ready to earn what you deserve. 

You’ll look at each and every one of your self-limiting beliefs and completely transform your money mindset. 

It’s a step-by-step, proven system to release your money blocks.

So you can realize your potential and break through your income plateau. 

Join over 8,500 entrepreneurs today.
Upgrade your money mindset and make your dreams happen.

With the Ultimate Money 

Mindset Package, you’ll get:

  • A year-round program of training, support and coaching
  • Access to our private Bootcamp community of 8,500+ entrepreneurs
  • Monthly live group coaching with Denise
  • Lifetime access to 3 courses and all future updates and live rounds. No ongoing fees.
  • Secure the best price BEFORE the 2023 price increases and save over $1,500.
  • Choose a flexible and affordable payment plan over the next 12 months.
  • Option to pay in either US dollars, Pounds, Euros or Aussie dollars to save exchange rates and fees.

If you’re ready to get serious and make your business happen so you finally hit that 6 or 7-figure income then we can help. 

Together we can make money and change the world.

Here's more details on Part 1 of the package

Money Bootcamp

Money Bootcamp is my flagship money mindset training program where I’ll show you proven strategies to release money blocks, get daily support to keep your confidence high and monthly coaching with me to keep you on track.

Business is lonely, and it’s easy to get discouraged without support so our community and mentors will be your go-to place for encouragement and inspiration.

What kind of results do members achieve?

Here’s what you get when you join Money 


Six online training modules you can use immediately

Lifetime access to highly-practical and motivating videos to walk you through the PRECISE strategies you need to become a money magnet

Private community of incredible entrepreneurs

Connection with inspiring like-minded people all over the world in our private mastermind community.

Private Podcast for flexible learning on the go

Immerse yourself in Bootcamp at your convenience with an exclusive audio feed of all training videos and coaching calls.

Accountability and support from Community Mentors

Get answers your questions plus ongoing support and encouragement. Including mentors in multiple time zones and weekend support.

Live monthly coaching with Denise at two different times.

If you sign up now, you get at least a year of monthly coaching with me at convenient times for all timezones.

Vault of bonus training worth thousands of dollars

Extra training on cleaning debt, advanced pricing strategies, visualizations and quick manifesting.

  • Ongoing access so you can learn at your own pace and revisit the course as your business grows. 
  • Mobile and tablet friendly so you can learn from anywhere.
  • Convenient course access via the Kajabi mobile app.
  • All training videos are available with English, French, German, Italian and Spanish subtitles.

Wondering about the kind of results you can achieve?

Hear how Bootcamp changed Debra, Frieda and Amy’s lives…

Michelle Wordsworth,
Mindset & Manifestation Coach, Australia

“Feeling Confident To Charge in USD”

Patricia Lohan,
Feng Shui Expert, Ireland

“She now makes multiple 6 figures as a Feng Shui expert”

Julia Norton,
YVoice Actor, US

“Voice actor doubled her income after the first month of joining.”

Alicia Hartzell,
Coach, US

“How Money Bootcamp helped me pivot my business to offering online services and VIP events!”

Amanda O’Bryan,
Designer & Author, Australia

“Money Bootcamp gave me permission to make more money.”

Jessie Sheddon,
Storytelling Connoisseur, UK

“Money management helped get her out of debt and grow her business | Money Bootcamp Success Story.”

6 Money Mindset training modules

You’ll learn how to get clear of limiting beliefs and create a life of financial freedom
as I guide you through these six essential lessons.
Clear and release
Breakthrough limiting beliefs
Increase abundance capacity
Re-program your mind
Money mindset in others
Upgrade and transform


Upgrade and transform


I know you have a HUGE desire for more, and tons of frustration. You’re frustrated that it’s not coming quickly enough so in the final module, we’ll ensure that all your newfound strategies and beliefs become second nature, so that manifesting becomes virtually effortless for you and you can create a ‘new norm’ when it comes to money.

There are so many different levels when it comes to your relationship with money, and unless you address them all, you’re destined for a future of setbacks, stumbling blocks, and ongoing struggle.

Here we address each of these issues in turn and start to rewrite your story to create a healthier, more loving relationship with your money!

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to heal your relationship with money
  • How to fall in love with your life
  • Why it’s important to create a new mindset around savings
  • How to upgrade your systems, marketing and mindset in your business.

And more…

“I can see that it’s possible for me to be a multi-millionaire now!”

“Since I started this course I have doubled my income. I SEE it’s possible to be a multi millionaire and it’s got nothing to do with my background or whatever. I can do it too.”

Rifa Thorpe-Tracey, Coach, UK


Live group coaching with Denise

Connect with me EVERY month for themed coaching and Q&A sessions to keep you moving and break through the blocks that come up as you grow.

This is the only way to connect with me live and every month I’ll be answering your questions and teaching the main Bootcamp, money mindset and Chillpreneur principles.

The calls take place on the final Thursday of each month and of course are recorded and made available in our members area.

It’s super important that you understand why this is such a special opportunity!

Not only will you get proven mindset training and the accountability and support of our community and mentors. But you’ll have ongoing monthly access to me for encouragement and mentoring.  

What’s better than having a million-dollar money mentor right by your side while you embrace these life-changing concepts — AND a vibrant community of entrepreneurs who are immersing themselves in the content along with you?

If you’ve been looking for an “excuse” to join – NOW is the time!

Ultimate Package Part 2

Sacred Money Archetypes

with Denise DT

In my Money Archetypes course you’ll design and grow your business based on your unique money strengths. I’ll show you how to leverage your marketing, and team then create passive income to earn more money with less work.

You don’t have to change yourself to be successful. Just work to your strengths and learn to do business on your terms. I’ll show you how.

What if there was a magic key to unlock more flow and abundance in your business?

A way to make things feel easier and more fun while still 

growing your income?

What if you could design your business to flow perfectly for your personality.

A compass to show you which way to go and how to grow with ease.

And to make you more magnetic and irresistible to your ideal clients?

What if you could unlock the potential of your Money Archetype to:

Earn more money from your natural strengths and gifts

Specifically how you can use your Money Archetype in your marketing and business to bring more money in with less effort! (It’s totally different for everyone)

Stop your repetitive financial mistakes and overcome your money challenges

You’ll be surprised how your personality leaks money unnecessarily or sabotages easy wins. Each Archetype combination does it differently.

Design your business model, and passive income offers to play to your strengths.

Plus understand the Money Archetype of your team and how to hire the right people to bring balance and abundance to your business.

Attract more of your ideal 

When you learn how to market directly to their money personality and how you can naturally help them with yours. This is GOLD, it’s like having a secret superpower

Build your business in alignment with your personality

So you can finally feel in flow with money and usher more grace, ease and abundance into your life.

“This course is game changing!”

“SMA is such a game changer! It’s really helped me to understand my money patterns and also been great for my relationship. My husband and I are on the same wavelength now thanks to understanding our archetypes. Highly recommended! Thanks Denise for sharing this with us!”


Strategy and Alignment Coach, UK
Archetype: Maverick

“I’ve broken through some deep held beliefs and stories”

“I love Sacred Money Archetypes! It really gave me a base to jump from in my personal life and it allowed me to see both my grandmother and mother in new lights, breaking some of those deep held family beliefs and stories.”


Archetype: Celebrity

I discovered the best way to create a thriving business is unique to your Money Archetype, and now I want to

share the secret with you….

You can build your business on intuition or through painful trial and error

You can try to change who you are or copy the gurus.

Or you can short-cut that journey with a more personalized path for you.

Taking your individual strengths, values, needs, and challenges into consideration.



And that’s why generic business advice isn’t going to cut it.

Following someone else’s business won’t allow you to enhance all the gifts of your archetypes, but also, they can’t show you where your particular pitfalls are.

When you have the combination, you can unlock the safe of abundance – and that’s when you create flow.

Your Archetype profile is your compass for building your business and pursuing your dream life.


Training Modules

My SMA course is for entrepreneurs like you who want an easier, more abundant way to run their businesses.

Get personalized training on your marketing, business, and systems to help design and grow your business based on your strengths and Archetype.


Your Profitable Profile
Bankable Business Models
Your Ideal Client
Leverage Your Marketing
Creating Passive Income
Your Dream Team
Impact & Freedom


Integration: Living the Archetypes for Impact and Freedom

The path to wealth and success requires ongoing growth and implementation

With your newfound knowledge of the Money Archetypes, you’ll continue to discover new money-making opportunities on your road to more income and impact.

When you grow your business by stepping into the power of your unique Archetype combination, you’ll feel more alignment and purpose in all areas of your life.

Moving from knowledge to mastery of the Archetypes requires being able to draw on the energy and strengths of all Archetypes to thrive in every situation.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to integrate the energy and strengths of each Archetype in your business
  • How to unlock the gifts of specific Archetypes when you need them to make more money
  • The mindset strategies you need to stay in alignment with your true personality.
  • Visualization and manifesting strategies to connect with each of your inner Archetypes.

…and more

I’ve been doing $25,000 cash months!

I’m a rebel in my industry; I’ve always done things a little bit differently. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. For me, SMA was like a deep permission – I’ve literally been this way forever. And now it’s really up to me to embrace it and bring it into every part of my business.

Kierra Jones – Visibility & Sales Messaging & Mindset Coach, USA

Archetype: Maverick


As part of the package you'll receive:

Live Group Coaching Sessions with Denise + Limited Time Facebook Group

Even more support from Denise with business training and inspiration.

Usually, SMA is a self-paced course only – but I have exciting news for you.

Starting in May 2023, we’ll run a 7-Week SMA Live course, including weekly coaching calls included. Which you’ll get access to at no extra charge as part of the Ultimate Package. 

Please don’t miss this – I only do a Live SMA round once a year – and guess what, you get lifetime access to that too – you’re going to love the interaction, the buzz of meeting other people with your archetypes, and of course, get that live coaching with me on the workshops.

Click the button below to join Bootcamp and SMA.


  • You’re doing work aligned to your gifts that you actually enjoy
  • Business feels in flow, fun and abundant
  • You attract more of your ideal clients with ease
  • You’re making more money with less hustle and stress
  • You create new sources of passive income that fit with your personality
  • There’s more harmony, productivity and support in your team
  • You free yourself up from ever having to work weekends again
  • You finally feel that you can create the wildly success and profitable business you’ve always dreamed of – without having to change who you are

How good would that feel? What’s the value of that freedom?

Sacred Money Archetypes® will clearly lead you through the steps you need to take to create more money, ease and impact..

It’s a win-win – invest in yourself now to start leveraging your strengths and thriving in business based on who you are.

Ultimate Package Part 3:

NEW Practical Manifesting Course

With the fully updated Practical Manifesting Course you’ll get the advanced formula, cheat sheets and checklists to take your money manifesting to new heights.

This is a fun and comprehensive “how to manifest” course – no fluff, no esoteric mumbo jumbo and designed exclusively for ambitious and intelligent people like YOU who have massive life and business goals.

Complete with visualizations and meditation affirmations to build your manifesting muscle.

This is especially important if you feel like your mindset practices have slipped recently and you’ve got big goals for the year ahead.

  • The Daily Declutter and Forgive technique that magically releases your negative beliefs and creates space so you can welcome in more abundance and freedom… 
  • The First Class Anchoring Secrets that will easily infuse every part of your day with good vibes so you can start to live your abundant, healthy, loved up lifestyle NOW even if you’re on a… ahem, less than abundant budget… 
  • You will become an Opportunity Magnet by taking courageous Action. I’ll share with you how to move forward without upsetting your life or alienating your friends, how to build a team around, what to do when things go haywire, and most importantly, how to UP-LEVEL with grace and ease… 
  • You’ll build your Manifesting Muscle so you can distinguish between goals and “preferences” and set a daily practice that could make you a millionaire! 
  • The Magic Mindset of a Manifestor will allow you to appreciate the changes happening around you and help you to keep up the momentum even if pesky mindset blocks like fear, guilt, jealousy, and impatience come up… 
  • My Extreme Goal Setting Plan to get clear on what you really REALLY want for your life, and discover how you’re getting exactly what you’re asking for…

And so much more.

See what others have


“My best month in business”

I started the Manifesting Course and the next month was my best month in business, AND I won a scholarship. I had so many AHAs! I dug deep into the source of my blocks, and discovered things I wouldn’t have imagined – and by bringing them out in the open, I was able to heal them.

Marcela Macias
– Food & Product Photographer and Stylist

“It Works!”

As most women do, I headed to this course because my back was against the wall financially. I was losing sleep over mounting bills. I wanted to manifest $5,000 so I could get my nose out in front again to give me some breathing space so I could once again focus on my business instead of being constantly frazzled and stressed about finances. It’s crazy how fast things turn around when you change your focus. I ended up with an extra $7,000 that month. I think the biggest aha for me is the tie between decluttering and manifesting.

Michelle Hext
– Amazon Best Selling Author, Mentor, Coach & Founder of The Ass Of Kicking Ass Elegantly

“More travel in my life”

I actually used the Manifesting Course to have more travel in my life. I just wanted to travel but I had no idea how that was going to happen. That year, I went to NYC 3 times, I got invited to Puerto Rico (all expenses paid) while I was vacationing on a nearby island! It’s all me! the magic is all there for me to tap into and there is a lot of practicality involved, meeting the Universe/God half way by doing the ground work. That’s awesome!

Pat Romain
– Coach & Launch Strategist

Most Flexible


$239 USD


Best Value


$2,497 USD

Save $371

Prefer to pay in your own currency?

For this week only, you can save on exchange rates, fees and avoid fluctuations by paying in your own currency. Click below to select the best option for you:

The Ultimate Money Mindset Package closes in…

It’s your time to realize your potential and break through your income plateau

The Ultimate Money Mindset Package is a unique combination of training, coaching, and mentoring.  

It’s practical and grounded in reality.

The proven results have changed the lives of new business owners and millionaires. 

My approach is scalable and works wherever you’re starting from. Even if you don’t have a business yet. 

You can revisit the courses every year to work through new blocks and get past new income plateaus as you grow. 

Remember: I’m not going to BS you – it takes some work… but it’s worth it!. 

Because, let’s face it, your dreams cost money.

Together we’ll do the deep work that’s needed to make your dreams happen. 

You’ll get day-to-day actions, inspiration, kick-up-the-butt real talk, and the most loving advice I can give.

A new level of income and wealth is possible for you.

I know that this path can feel lonely. 
Maybe you’re the black sheep in your family? 

I am! 

Maybe you’re the only person creating success in your circle of friends. 

Or maybe you want some like-minded change-makers to network and mastermind with? 

Whichever is true for you, you’re in the right place. 

Our community is powerful, and you can become part of it. 

It’s time to earn what you deserve and to have the wealth and freedom to help others, build your business and change the world.

You are smart enough. 
You are ambitious enough. 
You are enough. 
And you can have financial security and more freedom. 

You don’t have to work through your money stuff alone,

Let’s go on this amazing journey together. 

With me as your money mindset mentor and coach, and our beautiful community, this can be your year.

Join the Ultimate Money 

Mindset Package now

Choose the plan that’s right for you and join us today

Most Flexible


$239 USD


Best Value


$2,497 USD

Save $371

Still have questions?

If you have a specific question we haven’t addressed, then please don’t let that stop you from making a decision! Just contact us below and let’s get you sorted out immediately.