Get the free roadmap to launch your Profitable Personal Brand.

The information you’re about to download will instantly help you generate more revenue with your skills whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced Expert or Coach with little, or thousands of online followers.

Ready To Monetize Your Skills?

Join The Expert Monetization System

Join The Expert Monetization System

Are you a Coach? Or an Expert in ANY niche? Do you have specific knowledge/skills or life experiences? Are you ready to use your expertise to transform lives globally while generating massive revenue?

If you answered YES, to any of the above, then I welcome you to my world of Monetization. The S.I.M. methodology will work wonders in MONETIZING your expertise, personal brand, and purpose.

Join the Expert Monetization System and begin the journey of converting your skills/knowledge or life experience into a profitable online personal brand that transforms lives and generates passive recurring revenue.

In 12 high-level sessions, you are guaranteed to Gain Clarity, create your personal brand, dominate your niche on social media and launch your transformational digital products.

T.Y.M.S - 3 Days Money Mindset Transformation Coaching Program

Transform Your Money Subconcious


Using Brain Science, and Subconscious Transformation, I will help you discover the seven major reasons you’ve been struggling with money and what to do to increase your wealth! 

The first thing I want you to realize is this, if you’re struggling with money it’s not your fault, you learned to struggle with money just like you learned everything else in your early years.

 Money struggles starts with only one reason, and that reason is that you’ve never been taught how to make money and to attract wealth. As you’ll discover, making money is far easier than you may think. Truth be told, it’s actually very easy.

 The truth is this. Money is easy to make. Money is easy to attract. There are a million ways to make a million dollars and first, you need to change who you are on the inside to attract the kind of money you want in life. Most people make money an “external game,” and it’s really (and only) an internal game. If you’re “working hard” for money you’re already working against yourself and you’re working backwards.

In this workshop I’ll show you how to go from struggling to abundance, I know money is “all mental” because most of being without money used to apply to me and today none of it applies to me – money is mental. Being rich is about having the right mental constructs, the right mental paradigms, the right mental subconscious identity, the right brain based habits and the right “mind set” about wealth and self worth. and this is the transformation you will experience

How Much Passive Income Can You Earn Monthly From Your Skills Monthly?

Discover How Much You Are Leaving On The Table…

ELite Monetization Club

Sign your next major client, or sell out your offer in the next 30 days

EMC is a 4 months premium sales coaching that has been responsible for hundreds of success stories and now is your chance to unlock your own success!

Here is your private invite to access The Monetization Queen’s legendary Sales Coaching.

Whether you have been trying ‘all the things’ – being visible, growing a Community, etc and you are asking yourself “I must be missing something, where are all the clients and consistent sales”?

OR, you are wanting to scale your business, and skyrocket your launch results, EMC can help you! It is my 8 years + of knowledge and experience delivered in bite-sized training that will give you the missing pieces of the puzzle you have been looking for.

+ Learning essential sales skills fast-tracks your results and reduces time spent on things that don’t produce results

+ How to utilize social selling so you don’t have to rely on ‘posting and praying’

+ How to be more than visible and use marketing that does the ‘heavy-lifting’ of selling for you

Plus you will also get 3 months access to my 5000 members-private community of Personal Development ‘SOPD’ where you can promote your services as a premium member for free to Ideal clients with purchasing power in the community

Transform Your Life bootcamp

TYL is A 6-Days Power Program That'll Help You Transform Your Circumstances, Rediscover Your Passions, Unlock Abundance And Live a Life That Matters.

Most people run the same patterns year after year with virtually no change in results.

This is NOT due to a lack of intelligence.

It is due to a lack of effective strategy. And unless you change something it is going to be the exact same with an extra candle on the cake and nobody wants to waste any more time on living a life that isn’t measurably better and more rewarding than the one they lived last year.

When I say rewarding I don’t just mean financially.

Although that’s what most people focus on because they think it will get them out of pain or solve their problems or allow them a better life. The problem with that kind of thinking is it leads most people to spend their life chasing money while wondering why they never seem to have much more of it. It is a known fact most people earn the same amount of money they earned the year before, plus or minus 10%.

Why is that?

It’s because they don’t understand that money is a by-product or a consequence of them adding value to someone or something.

That money, most importantly, is a reflection of the self-worth and financial identity they walk around with. Therefore, if you try and earn more money without becoming a person of higher value first then you’ll always chase your tail.

By actively participating in this intensive 6 week program you will destroy old low-value habits, poor self-worth and limitations, and replace them with a purposefully designed new sense of self while becoming a person of much higher value.

Subscribe to Receive My Daily mentoring nuggets THat will transform your money subconcious, monetize your skills and uplevel youjr finances.

Subscribe To My Daily Prime Nuggets For Just $15 Monthly.

Real Results From Past Clients

– THE CATALYST Lanre Olusola, Integrative Catalyst.

Grew my visibility, 10x my following

Gbemmy has an uncanny ability to serve her clients She goes the extra mile to deliver exceptional customer delight It’s been wonderful working with her.

The catalyst lanre olusola

– Coach Tolu Awopetu

Became focused and goal-oriented,

“Gbemmy is a phenomenal lady who knows her onions. She is knowledgeable. It was at a Masterclass that I heard her speak on digital marketing and monetization. She blew my mind listening to her. She is very warm, welcoming, and supportive. I love working with her because I could Trust her. She has helped me to become focused and goal-oriented. Gbemmy is a clear communicator and one of the best things that has happened to my business.”


Get Seen, Get Known, Get Paid!

Traffic is the FUEL of Monetization. 

You cannot attract ideal clients who will patronize your services, if you dont have influence, therefore it is imperative for you as a personal brand (Emerging or Established) to constantly be visible in the right online circles where your ideal clients frequents.

Discover My wide array of digital tools (40 in total – worksheets, calendars, templates etc) that can help you increase online visibility, establish your brand as an expert in your niche and convert prospects into paying customers. 



Transformation NOT information!

Every month, I hold powerful workshops that can help you uplevel your money game in your business and life generally.

These experential workshops are powerfully designed to transform your life and business results while NOT overwhelming you with information overload.

Past attendees have glowing testimonials and you  can be a part of it by clicking the button below to check out our event for this month.

Meet your coach

Hello, I'm Coach Gbemmy

I am a seasoned digital marketer specializing in personal brand monetization. I am also a Life Coach, NLP Business Practitioner, a certified therapist (Emotional Freedom Technique and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), a Subconcious Transformation Expert and a Certified Business Coach. 

My divine purpose is to help you transform your subconscious mind so you can live the life you desire and deserve.

I have helped over 20 personal brands monetize their Skills/ Knowledge/ or Life Experiences to 7 figures on the internet

– without Online Courses
– Without E-books
– Without paid speaking engagements

I am currently based in Sweden where I lead the digital marketing department of a fast-rising Swedish Tech Startup company.

Life & Business Diagnosis In just 3 hours...

You don't need more COACHING, CERTIFICATION, or MOTIVATION, you need INSTANT MONETIZATION, and you're only ONE SESSION away from monetizing your skills

  • Monetizing your skills online can be confusing:
  • Online courses are dead, 97% of students never complete their courses.
  •  E-books are archaic, nobody reads them.
  •  Webinars are a dime a dozen!
  •  Paid speaking engagements ? Well , P.A.N.D.E.M.I.C…
  •  Premium coaching clients are difficult to come by.
  • But, if you are ready to start monetizing your personal brand using 2022 compliant methods or you seek clarity to scale your online sales goals, or even transform your subconscious mind to attract more wealth, then book a 3-hours Zoom Business Therapy Session with me.
  • In 3 hours, I will:
  • DIAGNOSE: Diagnose your online business using my digital marketing wealth of experience.
  • CONSULT: Create a step – by – step, transformative brand monetization plan that takes your business to the next level using the Perception Shift Strategy.
  • GOAL SETTING: Work with you to set your next business goals, strategies and tactics using NLP techniques.
  • SUBCONSCIOUS TRANSFORMATION: Transform your subconscious mind to attract wealth by default.

We're a Good Fit If...

You’re ready for more visibility & Financial freedom

You want to be known for your expertise, reach more people, impact more people and transform lives

You're an action-taker & ambitious entrepreneur

You have audacious goals and you do not hesitate to do the hard and rewarding work

You want to scale to your next big milestone

You know you can be more, do more and achieve more. This excites you and you can’t wait to get started.

Enrolment is Open at The Expert Monetization System

Enrolment is ongoing at The Expert Monetization System. Join us now, and in 12 weeks we would have:

(1) Launched your profitable online personal brand,

(2) Established your brand on social media, and

(3) Successfully launched your offer with ease!

Click HERE to enroll now!